Allmax Glutamine 400 Grams. Reduces Muscle Soreness. Increases Recovery


Reduce your Muscle Soreness and Recover Quicker with Allmax Glutamine

  • Increases Recovery
  • HELPS the Body Repair and Recover from Training
  • MINIMIZES Catabolism
  • REDUCES Muscle Soreness
  • INCREASES Protein Synthesis and Nitrogen Retention
  • BOOSTS Immune System
  • 100% Japanes-Grade

Glutamine supplementation is beneficial during periods of stress, such as after training Glutamine ensures the body remains in a state of anabolism. For those who train, supplementing with glutamine ensures the body’s stores of this important amino acid are optimized and the skeletal muscle size is maintained. Working out can lead to suppression of the immune system. Intense exercise can quickly deplete glutamine in the muscle cells causing the immune system to weaken and decreases the body’s levels of glutamine. Research has shown that supplementation with glutamine can alleviate the decline of glutamine concentration in the bloodstream following intense exercise.

Glutamine May Diminish Catabolism Glutamine also helps to diminish catabolism caused by an increase in the stress hormone cortisol, which is elevated during exercise. A recent study conducted on the effects of glutamine on the muscle found that glutamine actually blocks the action of cortisol’s interference with muscle protein synthesis and repair. This study shows that glutamine can provide an anti-catabolic effect which is beneficial for athletes and bodybuilders. It can minimize the amount of muscle breakdown and can be particularly helpful when consumed after working out, when catabolism is at its peak.

How do I take Glutamine? Take one teaspoon (4.5 g) of Glutamine once to twice a day. Mix in fruit juice or your favorite beverage. For optimal results, take Glutamine immediately following intense training and directly before bedtime.

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